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tara marbrey

Tara Marbrey Founder, CEO and Psych Certified LPN

Mrs. Marbrey has over twenty years experience in nursing, with specialized experience in psychiatry, medical billing, coding, accounting and credentialing. She has assisted several doctors and clinicians in starting their own practices. She has also assisted a large psychiatric group in creating, facilitating and managing clinical function and development. Mrs. Marbrey is responsible for the strategy, vision and implementation of Twelve Stones Business Solutions.​

Emily Marbrey, HR and Accounts Receivable Supervisor

Ms. Marbrey specializes in insurance billing and collections. She is responsible for resolving late or skipped payments, updating financial records, and collecting the revenue generated by processing all invoices, investigating circumstances of non-payment; negotiating and resolving conflicts, and expediting payments. She answers patients’ billing questions and helps clinics know when there are billing issues.


Sabrina Cosey

Sabrina Cosey, Credentialing and Contracting Specialist

Mrs. Cosey has worked in the medical field since 1994. She is responsible for managing the staff that processes credentialing and re-credentialing applications for medical providers. She also implements policies and procedures to ensure that applications are properly verified and accurately processed.​

Melissa Jones

        Melissa Jones, Data Entry & Processing Specialist

Mrs. Jones is experienced in the daily operations of the medical office, specializing in patient relations, insurance, and other administrative procedures. She is responsible for managing client accounts, appointments, and supervises the daily activities of staff who input records, lists or other data points into practice EHR and practice management software. Responsible for directing and allocating work to staff, as well as monitoring and evaluating their work.

Carrie Timmer, Intake and Appointment Specialist

Ms. Timmer is responsible for inputting initial demographic information, data entry and appointments. She manages and directs the call center workflow and keeps providers updated on any changes or client situations that may arise.

Alexa Hale, Marketing and Provider Intake Specialist

Mrs. Hale is responsible for all development and marketing strategies for Twelve Stones Business Solutions. She creatively designs and stimulates growth in the company by utilizing different platforms to reach potential clients.

young male doctor smiling